Prior to your registration with LogBids, we highly recommend you to kindly go through the Terms of Service provided by LogBids. Moving ahead with the registration and utility of the terms and conditions of, it would be deemed that you have accepted the Terms of service and shall be binding in a format as though it were an agreement negotiated between Lynkerosft Technology and, you/your entity.
Lynkersoft has the right to update and modify the terms of service periodically and, without notice, and your agreement is to be bound by such changes or revisions. Added functionalities to this service that alter or enhance the current offering shall be compliant to the below stated Terms of Service. In case of modification utility after changes in the subject clause, you agree to the changes and their meaning.
The latest and applicable terms of service can be viewed here at any time.
LogBids is an online reverse bidding platform and, a product of Lynkersoft Technology. The utility of the service is at your own risk. The service is provided on an applicability basis and on subscription basis. In case of non-payment of dues and non-compliance, the company has the right to withdraw the services at any time.
In terms of user age; A user should be at least 16 years of ago to utilize this serivce. Any registered entity/ corporation using this service shall be verified on the basis of contact credentials, Company Identification number and, other such relevent data.
A user must provide the current, accurate identification, contact, valid company email address and other data that may be required in the course of the registration process and/or the continued use of the Service. Accounts that are registered by automated processes are not allowed on the LogBids portal. Each Login provided would have utility potenital for the type of user that makes use of this service as classified broadly into a beneficiary (If you need logistics services) or a service provider(If you provide logistics solutions). The profiles then are classified as admins, managers and watchers that are solely based on delegation. You can warrant other people access to your workspace by inviting them but,are subjected to utility on your approval. LogBids will not be responsible for any activities conducted by such personell delegated by you/the entity.As a user, you are responsible and liable for maintaining the safety of your personal login credentials. Lynkersoft shall not be liable for any loss or damage from lack of adherence to this security obligation. Lynkersoft reserves the right to discontinue services to any operating party at any time without notice for any reason.
A User is not authorized to use the service for any illegal or unauthorized purpose. While using the service, you must not violate the laws in your jurisdiction (this encompasses but isnot limited to copyright laws). As a user, you are responsible for all material and content that you post to the website and all activity that takes place on your account. This includes third party postings to LogBids and any activity that happens under your account credentials. This holds true for content postings by parties that are deployed from parties that have accounts as a subset of your accounts. Any form of abuse: be it physical, verbal or written (Including threats that encompass abuse and retribution) of any Lykersoft customer, affiliate, employee or stakeholder would result in immediate account deactivation and termination.
The User is not allowed to adapt, alter or hack the Service or modify another website so as to falsely imply that it is associated with the offering, or any other service that Lynkersoft shall offer. It is an abiding agreement that the user agrees not to reproduce, immitate, copy, commercialize, resell or exploit any portion of the Service, use of the Service, or access the service without explicit documented permission from Lynkersoft.
Lynkersoft reserves the right to but, is not obligated to removal of contents and accounts contents that on our part is considered illegal, unlawful, threatening ,or, if it violates any party’s IP or the terms of our service offering.
If your bandwidth usage exceeds a designated threshold, or significantly exceeds the average bandwidth usage determined by us and hampers any utility conduct of alternate LogBids customers, we reserve the right to disable the account on immediate basis or perform a reduction towards the Service or its availability to you until you reach a bandwidth of desired specification.
The utility of this service would require us to have access to certain materials, content, information and matter that you upload to this service. Lynkersoft acknowledges that some or, most part of the entered information is deemed confidential in nature. In case of upload of any such data, you agree that Lynkersoft shall have the right to access this data when needed and appropriate.
Lynkersoft will undertake any appropriate lawful measures to ensure that information is protected. In particular, unless legally compelled, Lynkersoft shall not directly or indirectly use, publish, reveal or disclose any such confidential information to third parties.
We have taken appropriate measures to ensure that optimum standards of data security are maintained and also taken mitigating measures against loss or unlawful processing of your personal data. To this purpose, your personal data are safely stored within our database. The security of your personal information is important to us. However, no method of transmission over the Internet or method of electronic storage is impenetrable. Rest assured, we have partnered with popular and trusted cloud services for our hosting purposes.
It is with the understanding that you are aware that the technical processing and transmission of the Service, including your content, may be transmitted in an unencrypted format and involve transmissions over multiple networks; and alterations to conform and adapt to technical requirements of connecting networks or any such devices.
Prices of the Service, including but not limited to the month to month subscription plan fees for the utility of the service, are subject to change without prior notice. Such notice may be provided at any time by posting the changes to the LogBids website or appropriate communication channels. Lynkersoft Solutions LLP is under no obligation to do so.
The monthly service is prepaid and non-refundable in nature. For any modifications in utility outside of a standard trial package, the next month balance is to be automatically credited. It is completely on discretion that refunds will be made for premature cancellations. In terms of compliance, no refunds or credits for part months of service, or refunds for months unutilized with an existing account will be made.
In case of a subscribed account, if payment has not reached in seven days of acceptance post primary request, the LogBids account in question is to be suspended. Lynkersoft will not be responsible for any content loss, features or external implications which are to be raised otherwise.
When a new user signs up for an account, a user will be warranted a free trial period beyond which the subscription will be auto updated unless a user cancels subscription within the stipulated time frame. The company holds the sole discretion to determine whether there will be any refunds, for cancellation of the subscription in time and Lynkersoft does not accept any liability for any resulting extra charges.
All resulting payments and payment information for LogBids are handled by third party payment gateways. LogBids or Lynkersoft does not hold any financial information of any users.
The proposed fees exclude taxes and duties imposed by the Government. The taxes and duties are to be charged as per applicable rates where necessary barring which, a user is responsible for their own tax and duty compliances.
Lynkersoft, in your utility of the service, does not warrant that:
You expressly understand and agree that Lynkersoft shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, alternate or exemplary damages, including and not restricted to, damages for loss of profits, goodwill, use, data or other intangible losses (even if Lynkersoft has been advised of the possibility of such damages), resulting from:
It is the prerogative of the company to choose the transport Service provider of choice which may not necessarily be the lowest bid. The company is not bound to adhere to compliance as per rating schedule and have the freedom to select transporters as per requirements.
Please Note: LogBids is not responsible or does not guarantee the selection of bids and functions solely as a platform for connecting the stakeholders in question.
The failure of Lynkersoft to exercise or enforce any right or provision in accordance with the Terms of Service shall not comprise a waiver of such right or provision or any other right or provision or term described in the the above stated terms of Service. The Terms of Service includes the entire agreement between you and Lynkersoft and determine your utility of the Service and supersedes any prior agreements between you and Lynkersoft(including, but not limited to, any prior versions of the Terms of Service).